Get the course bundle! 
Example: Buy The Bundle!

You could use this lesson to promote a bundle of all your courses! The fun part about this is all you'd have to do is create a Payment Page in this "Course Dashboard" course that costs the amount you want to charge for all your courses.

IMPORTANT: You will have to use our Zapier Integration but we have a help doc on selling a bundle of your courses that breaks it down for you.

 Want to grab the Super Awesome Course Bundle?
This bundle includes ALL FOUR courses you see in this course hub. By purchasing you'll get immediate access and you save 30% OFF the total price if you were to purchase the courses individually. (You'd obviously want to write a bunch more good stuff here!)

Learn more or purchase the bundle here

(The link and button intentionally do NOT work but would link to a Landing/Sales Page OR directly to a Payment Page of this Course Dashboard course which then has a Zapier automation that runs after the purchase.)

 Already purchased the Super Awesome Course Bundle?
Yay for you! You can login to each course individually:

(These links intentionally do not go anywhere but you would grab the Login URL for each course and add them to each linked text!)

😊 You've reached the end of this "Course Dashboard" Demo!
That's all folks! Hope it was helpful and if you have any questions, you know how to contact us. Enjoy and happy course creating!